One-Day webinar on
Socio-Economic Challenges of Covid-19 and Sustainable Response towards New Normal

May 25, 2021, Tuesday (11:00 AM)

As the pandemic in our country is entering into a new phase and it has exposed the existing and potential risks to individuals and society as a whole, which calls for a rethinking process, in organizing the social and economic activities. In order to do so, countries are now exploring, sustainable ways for dealing and living with the crises, for a better and long-term future. This webinar is to enlighten, the scholars and youth, regarding the socio-economic challenges, and development of a sustainable response, from the platform of ‘Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization’ with the Department of Sociology of Virtual University of Pakistan.

Virtual University of Pakistan
Sir Syed Memorial Society Building,
19-Ataturk Avenue, G-5/1, Islamabad