One-Day webinar on
Challenges and Prospects of Digital Socialization of Youth in Interdisciplinary Context

October 20, 2021, Saturday (10:30 AM)


The social media and internet has permeated everyday life of youth, since digital technologies are becoming major socialization agents. The traditional forms of socialization are being crowded out and replaced with new form: digital socialization. Youth is the most active user of internet and related sources. Changing life style in digital world is imposing certain challenges where parents’ dominance is decreasing and digital sources are shaping the child hence changing the nature of relationships .Considering the growing challenges of digital socialization, this symposium is aimed to address issues of youth in this era of digital and technological advancement. In recent years ,many socio-psychological issues have arisen concerning use of various digital platforms and there is a digital gap between generations. The symposium will bring together essential empirical and theoretical contributions to highlight challenges and prospects of digital socialization. It will explore how the relationships are changing when we connect with our social counterparts digitally. It will reflect on the social and life world dimensions of the changes that the digital age brings to the growth of youth. Moreover, ethical dilemmas concerning digital socialization and student-teacher relationship in a context of pedagogical background is also a theme of current symposiums and it aim sat finding solutions to the sequestions.


• Discuss various technological advancements in the fields of social digitalization.
• Appraise\Evaluate the issues of self-identification and intimate relationships in the era of digital connectedness.
• Analyze the role of social institutes in establishing the new norms and values among youth.

Virtual University of Pakistan
Sir Syed Memorial Society Building,
19-Ataturk Avenue, G-5/1, Islamabad