National Symposium on
"Hepatitis, Find the Missing Millions" World Hepatitis Day 2020

August 06, 2020

The Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science & Technology, Virtual University of Pakistan in collaboration with Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, The University of Agriculture, D.I. Khan and National Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS), Pakistan, is going to host a National Symposium on ""Hepatitis - Find the Missing Millions"" on the eve of World Hepatitis Day on 6th August 2020 (10 AM - 01 PM Pakistan Standard Time GMT +5). Keeping in view the magnitude of this disease worldwide there is a dire need to create community awareness about the causes, symptoms, prevalence, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and current research on Hepatitis. In this seminar experts will talk about different domains for general awareness. Please join us and get yourself updated about this disease to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Part 1 Video
Part 2 Video

Virtual University of Pakistan
Sir Syed Memorial Society Building,
19-Ataturk Avenue, G-5/1, Islamabad