Training Workshop on Using Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy

December 09, 2021

A one-day training workshop was organized by the Department of Education on Using Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy on December 09, 2021. Dr. Nauman A. Abdullah, In-Charge, Department of Education inaugurated the workshop by introducing the purpose of Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. He urged the participants to actively participate in the workshop and learn new skills as takeaway points from this workshop. Dr. Nauman gave a brief overview of the participants of the workshop. The training workshop was conducted in dual mode in-person and online. Miss DarakhshanZahid hosted the event.

Prof. Dr. Arshad Saleem Bhatti, (SI, TI) Rector, Virtual University of Pakistan, addressed the workshop participants as Chief Guest and emphasized the need of this workshop. The worthy Rector shared practical experiences of his 33 years teaching and research career and stressed on the use of digital tools and techniques in this post-pandemic era. Rector Sahib encouraged the participants to practice the skills learned through this workshop in their teaching-learning process.

Dr.Nauman Abdullah and Ms.Hina Amin were the resource persons for this workshop. Dr. Naumanintroduced the concepts of Bloom’s Taxonomy and its use in overall educational process. The application of 6 levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy in developing objectives, formulating student learning outcomes, creating content, and designing classroom instructions and assessment were elaborated by him. Ms. Hina further elaborated the difference between three different versions of Bloom’s Taxonomy. She gave activities related to objectives, learning activities, and assessment and made the workshop an interactive session. Examples from different subjects were given to relate and execute the concepts learned in the workshop. Participants who were online were also involved in stating the research objectives, classroom interaction activities and assessment by the resource person.

278 participants from university faculty, college teachers, public and private school teachers and principals, and academician and researchers from all over Pakistan were part of this training workshop. 40 faculty members from different departments of Virtual University also attended the workshop in-person. Complete resource material, power point presentation slides, and e-certificates were provided to the participants.

Dr. Faisal Tehseen Shah (Controller Examiner) and Dr. Arshad H. Hashmi (Director ORIC) delivered the closing remarks and emphasized to prepare the taxonomy based exam bank for Virtual University of Pakistan. Dr. Faisal Shah encouraged having more workshops on Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy and concepts related to item development. Dr. Arshad Hashmi ensured the support of ORIC in future training workshops of department of Education. The workshop was concluded on a group photo and refreshment.

Virtual University of Pakistan
Sir Syed Memorial Society Building,
19-Ataturk Avenue, G-5/1, Islamabad